giovedì 17 agosto 2017

Personal works 02

Today i decided to retry the girl hanging the cloth that i made yesterday... but taking my time (not the 25 minutes of the class). I will post various step to show the technique that i'm trying to use:

First step, i made a new document large enough to contain the original picture as well the drawing, then i started from the head and i draw the first part of the silhouette:

Now i started adding some details like the left arm and the right hand on it, also some light and shadow to refine the body...

Here i started to refine the light on the side of the hip, i refined the chin and started to draw the right arm as well.

Added the first part of the cloth, It's pretty tricky to add the light and the shadow on that part, I'm working only with the "Splatter" brush and only in the size of 5 or 9 pixel for the details, 19 pixel to soften the shadows and 29 or 39 to add more material on the body.

Just made the first leg, I'm not much satisfied of the feet...

I've refined the left feet, so i started the right leg, the right feet is slightly on her left knee...

Ok, i started adding the shadow on the right leg, but for the moment it's too late so i will resume tomorrow...

This is the full evolution of the picture...

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